Amazing Grace 15oz Mug w/ Handle

$7.98 $36.95
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Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see. What a wonderful reminder of God's goodness and grace as you cozy up and sip your favorite hot beverage.

  • Microwave and Dishwasher Safe
  • Ceramic
  • 3.5" tall x 5.5" wide (with handle)
  • 4" diameter at top
  • 3.5" diameter at bottom

Makes a perfect gift for friends, coworkers, and teachers at Christmas or any time of the year!

Or, Check Out Lots Of NEW Designs Using The Button Below!

What your sisters in Christ are saying:

• A love for Jesus you can feel

• Being part of our close-knit LiF community

• A wide selection of designs and colors to pick from

• Quality apparel and accessories that last

• Access to our friendly and helpful customer service team

• An easy and agreeable shipping process and terms

• Constant communication throughout your journey with us

Love in Faith is a values-based Christian clothing brand that delivers an exceptional product with a customer-focused experience you can trust.

Proclaim Your Faith!


Wearing a cute Love in Faith tee is a great way to spark conversations about God and be the disciples He called us to be. 

Meet The Founders

Believers | Entrepreneurs | Changemakers

Katie & Dave

Our founders, Dave and Katie, met back in 2017. Brought together by their shared love for Jesus and their entrepreneurial spirit, they decided to start an online business that would make an impact in their community, something that would bring people together in a big way. They decided to start a clothing brand where the love of Jesus would be at the forefront.

Growing up in the Christian community, they were discouraged by the faith-based apparel that was available to them. They were met with bland, impersonal Christian clothing that didn’t really reflect the fun and enthusiasm of being a believer in Christ. It was time they created their own faith-based apparel that showcased the unparalleled energy and joy that the Christian community had to offer—something that people would actually like to wear!

They set off to work, learning as they went, spending every spare minute they could to grow the business in their own home. They worked tirelessly, often clocking in their workdays at 18 hours, 6 days a week, only taking days off to observe the Sabbath. At first, they were shipping orders out of their home, with the orders piling up and up and up on their kitchen counters. They knew something needed to change. They needed space—and a team to support their vision, too.

Since then, Love in Faith has become a beloved global brand. They’ve revolutionized what faith-based apparel can do for the community. With countless design options for clothing and accessories, they’ve provided a fun yet stylish way for believers to be supported in their faith, as well as a way to share the love of Jesus with the world. Through their passion to give back and be a source of hope, they’ve certainly proved that faith is always in style.