Happy Monday, LiF sisters! Since this month's theme is Work Hard, Pray Hard, we thought we'd dive deeper into our theme of calling and see how Christ influences our daily work.
It's estimated that the average person spends one-third of their life working. That's significant! That's approximately 90,000 hours. With so much of our day spent logging into work, we thought it would be fitting to see what the Bible has to say about this very important chapter of our lives.
You have a unique opportunity to invite Jesus into your daily work and let Him inspire your creativity. After all, He is the Creator of everything—the true source of our productivity, accomplishments, healthy relationships, and the list goes on and on. Without further ado, here's our deep dive devotional into work: what God has to say about it and how we can invite Him into every part of our day.
Work Is a Good Thing
"The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." ~ Genesis 2:15
Regardless of the popular grumblings surrounding the average workday, work is actually a good thing. We're told this in Genesis, at the dawn of Creation. Right after God creates Adam and Eve, He gives them a mission—to cultivate the garden. Notice, this mandate was given before the fall.
This was always God's vision for human flourishing, to invite His people into sanctifying, kingdom-building work.
God did not sentence Adam and Eve to work as punishment for their sin. No, this was an intentional gift from God—an opportunity for His people to join in on God's work on this earth and create beautiful things. Bringing glory to God is the ultimate 9-5!
With this in mind, we can consider our own outlook on work. Is it healthy? Is it edifying? Do we grumble all day long or do we invite God into our daily to-do list? Now, God certainly doesn't want us to be overwhelmed or stressed, but the key here is a healthy amount of busyness.
Just as Paul says in Romans 12:11, "Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord." It's a beautiful thing when we're passionate about our work and give all the glory to God. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Work As Witness
"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ." ~ Colossians 3:23-24
Not only is work good for our soul, but it's an important aspect of the Gospel mandate, too. Consider the people you interact with because of your work. Whether your work influences thousands of people or even just a few, you are making a difference for the kingdom of Christ, and that's something you can take pride in.
Whatever you do, do it for God. You could have the most mundane job in the world, but if you commit your work to Jesus and do everything in His name, then you are making a profound difference in our world. Just as the verse in Colossians says, work "as for the Lord and not for men."
Others are looking at the way you live. You should be going about your daily work life in such a way that people can see Jesus' love and respect. Your work and your behavior are testaments to Christ and the watching world.
Your Work as Sacrifice
"Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established." ~ Proverbs 16:3
Whether you love your job or despise your job, your work is ultimately a sacrifice to God, and it's important to see it this way. This valuable chapter of your life isn't just about you making money or climbing the corporate ladder or even about providing for your family (which are all good, very necessary things, by the way). Your work is God's and His alone.
He has great plans to use you for the good of His kingdom—through the work of your hands. Your God-given talents and skills are a gift to bring about His goodness and light.
Continue to commit your work to Him and pray that your deeds would be an extension of His will.
Another thing to keep in mind is to pray to God if your job is causing you anxiety, grief, or even apathy. This is certainly not God's vision for your life. Pray that He may lead you to peace and continue to strengthen you in your career journey. Remember, He is doing a great inner work in you, LiF sister, and you are being shaped into something far more beautiful than you could ever imagine.
Key Takeaways
- Work is not some sort of punishment devised by God. On the contrary, good work is a gift from God and is intended to grow us and further His kingdom.
- What you do matters—greatly! Your daily work provides witness to the watching world. Because of this, be mindful of your attitude and words. Live in such a way that your coworkers and customers see Christ in you.
- Commit your work to Christ and ask that He may lead you in your career journey, whatever that looks like. After all, your work is one of your greatest sacrifices to Him.
Autumn Tees & Jesus, Please!
Hip hip hooray! Adorable (and stylish) faith-based apparel and accessories are here to win the day. Our creative team has had the best time crafting our seasonal Christian t-shirts that highlight the best of what fall has to offer. Be sure to check out our newest arrivals and stock up before it's going, going, gone.