There is power in rest. We see that in the Old Testament as God establishes the Sabbath—a day of rest after 6 days of creation. Sabbath is so much more than a nice idea exhibited a long, long time ago. It's a command, an invitation to meet God where He is in our busy lives. We were formed with this pattern set in place. Work for 6 days and rest for one, soaking in all of God's goodness and feeling recharged to face the work week once again.
In this day and age, Sabbath is an all but lost practice. We grind day after day after day, placing work at the forefront of our lives. Don't get us wrong, work is indeed a good thing—a great thing, actually. In the Garden of Eden, God tells Adam and Eve to do good work through gardening and cultivating (Genesis 2:15). Our work in the world is kingdom-building, but again, there must be a balance set in place. Work, rest, work, rest, and it goes on.
If you're being honest with yourself, how has your Sabbath practice been lately? No judgment here at all, just an invitation to have an honest self-evaluation. Wherever you're at, know that there is always space to turn things around and adapt a Sabbath rhythm that rejuvenates you. Sabbath doesn't have to look like one thing, either. It can be church, yes, but it can also be going on a walk or meeting up with a friend for coffee. Whatever is restful and purposeful for you!
Here are 10 ways to unwind, slow down, and welcome rest in today's busy hustle culture:
1. Take a Walk
This one's super easy, and yet it's highly effective! Doesn't have to be anything too strenuous. It can even be a walk around your neighborhood. If you're feeling more adventurous, head to a local nature park or hiking trail and experience God's beauty in nature. Something special happens when we spend time in nature and experience God's creation. Looking to get creative? Turn it into a prayer walk! We think of Psalm 23:3-3 here, "He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake."
2. Take a Friend Out to Coffee
Again, super simple here! Is there someone from your small group, a close friend, or even a neighbor down the street that you could treat to coffee one day? We love cozying up at our favorite local cafe and catching up with a good friend. It's important to be intentional and take the time to pour into your friends each week. As we all know, if we don't schedule it, weeks or months go by and we realize we haven't checked in with our friends! Here we're inspired by Hebrews 10:25, "Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."
3. Read Your Bible
This one sounds so obvious, but how often do we actually do this on a day off? It's so easy to turn on the TV or scroll on your phone for hours instead of taking a few minutes to hear from God Himself. We suggest going to your local library, picking out a Christian book or even reading your Bible. Whatever you choose to read, take a break, put your feet up, and enjoy these teachings from this spiritual text. We're encouraged by 2 Peter 3:18, “But grow in the good will and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Glory belongs to him now and for that eternal day! Amen.”
4. Go to Church
If your Sabbath happens to be on a Sunday (not that it has to be!) this is a perfect opportunity to visit a local church and get plugged into community. There is a reason why church services are typically on a Sunday—they're an excellent way to reconnect with God, the Word, and other believers, too. This is a restful, life-giving practice that reminds us we're not alone in the world. Consider Romans 12:4-5 "For just as we have many members in one body and all the bodies do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”
5. Go on a Drive
There is something so freeing about hitting the open road with nowhere to be. Some of our greatest conversations with God have been in the car. This all goes back to silence and solitude—getting away from distractions and spending time alone with Jesus. If you'd like, you can even play your favorite podcast, listen to a sermon, jam out to some worship music, or even drive in silence. Above all, use this time to reconnect with God.
6. Journal
There's nothing more cathartic than writing down all your feelings and life happenings at the moment. Sometimes writing everything out helps you process things. Not only that, but you may get an aha moment from God! Consider writing out your prayers and dating them, so you can revisit them at a later date and see how God has answered them. You can even pick a few verses to reflect on and meditate on.
7. Cook a Nice Meal
Calling all foodies out there! This is a fantastic way to treat yourself and cook something a little special. The Lord has created an abundance of delicious foods and He wants us to enjoy them and delight in Him! Pick out a yummy recipe you've been wanting to try for a while and dedicate an evening to it. You can even make it a family affair or invite friends over and have a dinner party. Gathering together around the table over a tasty meal is a wonderful way to experience God's love and rest.
8. Have a Game Night
Now this one's fun! Tell your family and friends to turn off the phones for the evening and play some good old-fashioned board games or card games. What a wonderful way to experience fellowship! By yourself? Pull out your favorite puzzle, a cup of hot cocoa, and go to town. Something so simple can bring so much joy and laughter.
9. Do Arts & Crafts
Any artists out there? If you're not too crafty yourself, don't sweat it! The key here is to do some sort of meaningful task where you can express your creativity and connect with Jesus. Paint, draw, or create homemade cards—the sky's the limit here. It doesn't have to be impressive or technical, it could be something super simple.
10. Take a Nap
Hear us out on this one! Sometimes, what we need most is a good nap. There is nothing wrong with admitting that. We encourage you to listen to your body here and take it easy. Again, the Lord wants us to take care of ourselves and get the rest we need. Sabbath does not equate to busyness. Feeling sleepy? Take a little nap and go about the rest of your day. Sleep is a wonderful gift from God.
There is Power in Rest
We hope this list of Sabbath ideas has served you! No matter what, the point is to find something restful to you and allows you to focus on God and His goodness. After a busy week of work, you deserve time to slow down, unplug from this hectic digital world, listen to the Holy Spirit, and enjoy God's creation. Looking for more inspiration? Shop our selection of our Christian apparel, with collections featuring some of your favorite verses and imagery.